The place to go to transform your relationship with MRKH

Real talk, real support and real action.

I'm Ready
Photo of young women putting their hands together as a team.

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

Why me?
What if someone finds out?
Am I normal?
Will anyone love me this way?
Am I still female?
What do I do now?

I get it, because

I've been there too.

Imagine this:

You are comfortable in your own skin

You feel hopeful about your future

You feel confident about how to manage and treat your MRKH

You believe you were just right - perfect as you are

You wake up every morning feeling excited about all that life has in store


Hey Beautiful!

Welcome to the Trusted Circle - your new favorite corner of the internet.

We’re here to provide first-hand understanding, unconditional support, and reliable information for what it means to live with this condition. It’s our mission to help you discover the inner strength, beauty, and resilience that defines who you truly are. Life doesn’t stop with MRKH, why should you?

Whether you’ve just found out or have been living with MRKH for a while, you’re in the right place. If you’re looking for a way forward, a shoulder to lean on, and to learn to love yourself beyond your MRKH diagnosis, click below to join our community and get started!

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Hey Beautiful!


Here's exactly what you get as a member.


Private Community Access

We are greater than the sum of our parts (pun intended). Discover the heart and soul of the Trusted Circle,  this safe and supportive community of people just like you, who have also made the choice to live happier, more empowered lives with MRKH. Get a fresh perspective and the answers you deserve from the people who have been there too.
(This community is not on Facebook. We are not just another venting group that takes no action.)


Hands-On Coaching

Experience the centering benefits of group coaching via live video chats every week.

You'll learn how to find your inner strength and how to love yourself beyond your MRKH diagnosis.

We push past any blocks that keep you from moving forward with the love and support of your trusted circle family. Learn how to thrive with MRKH.


Practical Support, Tools, and Strategies

This isn't a doom-and-gloom community.  We focus on your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. We have focused chats on each stage of life with MRKH - from diagnosis to Menopause and beyond.


Online Chat with a live Coach

Step right in to our virtual office. We offer designated online “office hours” for extra time with the coach when you need it most.


Exclusive Resource Vault

Knowledge truly is power. Get access to an impressive selection of replays, journal prompts, books, websites, and playlists to stay informed and motivated.


Special Sessions

Meet Guest Experts and ask questions on topics from acceptance, coping, sex, physical health, MRKH and so much more. We even take the emphasis off MRKH for a while and have Sound Baths, Meditations, Book Clubs and so much more!

Ready to step into
the Trusted Circle?

Monthly Plan

$89 per month

Instant access to our Private, Close-Knit Community
Live, Group Coaching calls via video
Virtual Coffee Chats two times a month
Access to our online Resource Vault
Access to elevated playlists
Access to weekly Coach Office Hours
Access to Guest Expert Sessions (value $4800)
No cancellation fee
Join today


VIP Annual Plan

$75 per month

Get everything in the monthly plan PLUS…
An Orientation Call to get you started
Forever access to Guest Expert Replays (value $1200)
1:1 Coaching Call with Rima (value $300)
Receive a VIP Welcome Gift
Discount on 1:1 Coaching package - 25% off
No cancellation fee
join Today

Meet our


Hi there!

I’m Rima, the founder of the Trusted Circle. I started this community because vaginas are hard enough to talk about as it is, try not having one! Like many of you reading this, I have MRKH. I found out when I was 16 years old, and it totally upended my relationship with myself and any plans I thought I had for my future.

For years, I struggled with my identity as a woman and my sense of self-worth. I had so many questions, the not-so-easy-to-ask kind about sex, my treatment options, fertility, and so much more. I also felt incredibly alone, even though our condition isn’t all that rare. About 1 in 5,000  are just like me (and you, too).

That’s why I started the Trusted Circle, to give to others what I wish I’d had myself a long time ago – a support system of amazing people who ‘get me’ and have my back through the highs AND the lows. You know just as well as I do that the journey to self-acceptance when you have MRKH can often feel like a struggle. You need all the support and reinforcement you can get. I hope you’ll join us, and discover how to cope and thrive with MRKH by learning how to love yourself for who you truly are—vagina, uterus, or none of the above.

We've got this!

What makes the

Trusted Circle

extra special?

Coaches who know exactly what it’s like to be in your shoes that provide dedicated support and a roadmap for personal growth.

We prioritize mental health, self-care, and moving forward. As a member, learn how to define and love yourself beyond your condition.

A welcoming community with whom you can share your journey – not just sometimes but weekly, monthly, or whenever you need us!

Access to the answers you deserve about your diagnosis, treatment options, and how MRKH impacts your future, and more importantly, how it doesn’t.

Real conversations about the tough or uncomfortable aspects of living with MRKH.
ZERO judgment

Reviews on products, books and other resources we’ve tried and tested for you.

Trusted Circle is


for you if...

Photo of a young woman smiling and playing the guitar.
You're ready to face your MRKH once and for all!
You are eager to connect with people who know EXACTLY what you’re going through.
You want to learn how to love yourself for who you are, not what body parts you have.
You're tired of feeling silenced by your condition.
You can’t stand the lack of practical information or first-hand advice on MRKH.
You’ve spent enough time worrying about how MRKH will affect the rest of your life.
Yes, I'm READY!


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I love the safe space provided and connecting with other women with MRKH."

~Trusted Circle member
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Trusted Circle complements my therapy. It's a safe space to explore MRKH. The tools help you more forward and I've seen how it's been beneficial for me and others."

~Trusted Circle member
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I was scared and unsure but Trusted Circle has helped me speak up and grow so much in my MRKH acceptance."

~Trusted Circle member
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I find that the safe space of Trusted Circle helps me GREATLY in terms of my own growth. It’s a time where I can safely reflect with expert guidance from Rima!"

~Trusted Circle member
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I have healed in my ability to talk to others about MRKH. It’s an open discussion in my relationship now where it never would have been in previous relationships."

~Trusted Circle member
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You’re amazing and this is such a great place! I love having the community and feeling like I am not alone. I am not crazy for the things I feel or think sometimes."

~Trusted Circle member


Have great ideas?

The Trusted Circle is your safe space. You have the chance to shape this community by suggesting future topics, featured experts, or events to host. Let’s create a space we love together!

reach out


I was just diagnosed with MRKH.  Is Trusted Circle relevant to me?

Yes! If you've just been diagnosed with MRKH, we know you're probably still taking in all the information. We've got you. Consider this a safe space to go to ask questions, share, and most importantly, get support. We're here for you.

What if I was diagnosed years ago, can I still get something out of Trusted Circle?

Yes! We created Trusted Circle for anyone with MRKH, no matter what stage in their journey. In our eyes, self-growth is a lifelong process. We truly believe in the power of love and self-acceptance and figuring out how to get there together. We'd be honored to walk with you on your journey. 

I'm a parent and my child has MRKH.  Can I join the Trusted Circle membership?

We completely understand that as parents, you have a lot to figure out. We are working on a separate channel for parents only, and we will let you know when that is ready. For now, please see the Coaching section for Coaching packages. 

My partner / friend has MRKH. Can I join the Trusted Circle to be supportive?

We understand that MRKH may affect someone close to you, and you may be seeking the resources you need to be supportive. However, Trusted Circle is only open to those with MRKH at this time. We hope to have a channel for partners and friends in the future. Please check back. 

I don't have MRKH.  Can I join the Trusted Circle anyway?

Not right now. We understand that there are many life situations in which people would benefit from support, community, and resources. However, Trusted Circle is only open to those with MRKH at this time. As we grow, we hope to open our doors to a broader audience. In the meantime, check out our Blog. There may be a topic or two that you can relate to.

What is coaching?

First and foremost, a coach is your partner. A coach supports and guides you to be the best and most authentic YOU! Together you find the things that get in your way so you can move forward in all areas of your life—zero judgement. This may come as a surprise, but coaches don't tell you what to do. Wait! What? Yes, that's right! You have all the answers inside you. We have different strategies you can try, and we can help you see things from a new perspective to help you overcome the things that keep you stuck. Our coach has her own personal journey with MRKH, so she has a deep understanding of some of the things you may be experiencing. Coaching is a very powerful process that creates significant results in your life. Our coaching is all about you and what you need.

Do I need to be tech savvy to be in the Trusted Circle?

Not at all. Our membership site is incredibly easy to navigate. You can access the video chats via mobile phone or computer. We love to see all your beautiful faces. For the safety of our members, we require you to turn on your camera. We do not allow anyone to dial in via audio only.

How does billing work?

If you sign up for a monthly membership, then your first payment will be due the day you sign up. From then on, you will be billed every month on the day you enrolled. If you choose a yearly membership, you will make a one-time payment the day you signup. Then you're set for the year. Your membership will continue yearly until you contact us to cancel. 

What is your cancellation policy?

We'd be sorry to see you go, of course! But you are free to cancel at any time. Just inform us that you would like to cancel 5 days prior to your next billing date in order to avoid being charged for the next billing cycle. To cancel, send an email to