Get Unstuck.

Have you hidden this part of yourself for too long?
Do you feel like you've lost control over your life and future plans?
Do you feel lost and unsure of how to begin your healing journey?
It's time to get unstuck!

Attention women who are navigating an MRKH diagnosis!

Introducing The Empower Hour

The Empower Hour was created to help you thrive with MRKH

This is a powerful coaching experience designed to help you overcome the mindset challenges of an MRKH diagnosis.
My focus is on helping you move through fear, limitations or overwhelm and empower you to accept MRKH and build a life you love.
The Empower Hour sessions are based on a three-step action plan that will help you start your healing journey. It's as easy as 1 - 2 - 3

1. Embrace

Together, we'll find out where you are currently by focusing from the inside out. We examine where you’re stuck and I'll provide insight to help you see where you keep yourself small.  We'll quiet the storm of negative thoughts and find you inner calm.


Billed once

2. Empower  

We'll work together to help you let go of what holds you back. You'll build new skills to manage your emotions and handle situations that you ran from before because of MRKH. This is one step toward acceptance.


Billed once

3. Transform

With each step forward, you'll learn to take action and face life with MRKH from a place of strength. I'll help you clear your path so you can finally envision your bright future.

How to START
Book a free Coaching Consultation
Contact me to start or... Book a free Coaching Consultation to learn more

Who we coach

Newly Informed

You are a teen, young adult, or have just found out you have MRKH and you could use some help sorting through all of this. When you receive the news, so many thoughts run through your mind. Believe me, I’ve been there and I get it. Talking with a coach who has walked a similar path can help as you figure out your own answers to: Why did this happen to me? How will this impact my life? What do I do now? Remember, you are not alone. You can look forward to a full life and I’m here to help.

Living with

You are an adult and have been living with MRKH for years, maybe even decades. Wondering why after all these years, this still affects you? I totally get it. Even if you have been living with this for a while, it can still trigger you. Maybe you have unresolved feelings. Maybe someone said something hurtful. Maybe you always felt like you were not good enough. No matter the circumstances, if you have been dealing with this for more than 5 years, the support may not have been available. Tired of living in the shadows of your own life? I’m here to help.

Parents + Partners

Someone you love has MRKH and it's rocked their (and your) world and you want to be supportive. Listen, even though it isn't your diagnosis, it can still affect you and your relationship. As a family member or partner, it can be helpful to work through the impact it has on you and discover the best way to support the person you love. I’m here to help and shed light on that perspective.


01. What is Coaching?

Professional coaches inspire clients to maximize their potential. With an extra special focus on accepting MRKH, that means that Rima challenges you to get clear on what you really want. But that’s just the beginning – to make a change that will stick, she goes deeper to help you look at your self-limiting beliefs and how they are getting in your way. Coaching is about moving forward. Whether you are working through a current situation or need help taking a step forward - Coaching works! Just ask Rima – she works with her own coach regularly.

Each coaching session is 60 minutes long.  

02. I was diagnosed recently. Is coaching right for me?

Yes! There are lots of situations and feelings to handle throughout your life when dealing with a condition. Coaching can help you learn effective ways of navigating whatever comes your way.

03. I've been living with this challenge for a while. Is coaching right for me?

Absolutely! Any condition can affect you during different times of your life.  Whether you’re dating, finding a life partner, trying to start a family, going to a baby shower or going through menopause, you may still have unresolved feelings.  If you were diagnosed 5, 10, or even 30 years ago, you likely did not have the support you needed. Partnering with a coach can help you figure out where those triggers are and work toward freeing yourself from them.  Remember, we’re all works in progress!

04. What is the benefit of the Coaching Package?

Coaching has a cumulative benefit.  Getting coached regularly and consistently enables you to build on what you discovered and learned in previous sessions. You'll build awareness and strategies along the way.

Learn more about the coaching packages available by scheduling a Coaching Consultation.

Each Coaching Session is 55 minutes.  

05. What is the Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment (ELI)?

The ELI is a unique assessment tool that we use within the Empower Hour sessions which provides insight into how your experiences and perceptions influence how you show up in everyday situations. This tool comes with a personal debrief session that shows you what has worked for you so far and what has gotten in your way.  It’s a great way to start building your perfect map forward. This is usually a $600 investment when scheduled as a stand-alone.

To schedule a standalone ELI assessment and personal debrief, contact

06. How soon can I start?

You can start right now. Book a Coaching Consultation session directly online at a time that is convenient for you to get your questions answered and get started.

07. How does scheduling work?

It’s simple. We book your coaching sessions in advance so you know exactly when they are.

08. How does billing work?

The Coaching Package payment plan is agreed upon at the time of sign up. Payment options available.

09. What is your session cancellation policy?

We understand that things come up and schedules change. All session cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance to avoid being charged for that session.  This is to ensure that appointments are available to those who are in need. Cancel and/or rebook your coaching session directly with Rima. 

10. Issues with billing or scheduling?

We're sorry you're experiencing an issue. Please contact


01. What is Coaching?

Professional coaches inspire clients to maximize their potential. That means that Rima challenges you to get clear on what you really want. But that’s just the beginning – to make a change that will stick, she goes deeper to help you look at your self-limiting beliefs and how they are getting in your way. Coaching is about moving forward. By coaching from the inside out, Rima helps you see how you view and handle MRKH, and then she empowers you to make conscious choices toward the life that you want – MRKH and all. Whether working through a current situation or need help moving forward - Coaching works! Just ask Rima – she works with her own coach regularly.

02. I was diagnosed with MRKH not that long ago. Is coaching right for me?

Yes! There are lots of situations and feelings to handle throughout your life when you have MRKH. Coaching can help you learn effective ways of navigating whatever comes your way.

03. I've been living with MRKH for a while. Is coaching right for me?

Absolutely yes! MRKH can affect you during different times of your life.  Whether you’re dating, finding a life partner, trying to start a family, or going through menopause, you may still have unresolved feelings.  If you were diagnosed 5, 10, or even 30 years ago, you likely did not have the support you needed. Partnering with a coach can help you figure out where those triggers are and work toward freeing yourself from them.  Remember, we’re all works in progress!

04. How does billing work?

Coaching packages and Individual sessions are paid for at the time of booking.

05. How does scheduling work?

It’s simple. Book your coaching session directly on line.

06. What is your cancellation policy?

We understand that things come up and schedules change. All cancellations must be made 48 hours in advance (whether rescheduled immediately or not) to avoid being charged for that session.  This is to ensure that appointments are available to those who are in need. Cancel and/or rebook your coaching session online.

The 3-month coaching package must be booked and used within three months of the first appointment. There is a grace period of 14 days at the end of the 3 months in which to book the final session.

07. How soon can I start?

You can start right now. Book your coaching session directly on line at a time that is convenient for you.


This spot is for rotating testimonials from clients.


This would be the second rotating testimonial. Test test.


And another testimonial here from a client. We can always add more!


For Parents

At Sumaavi we are deeply dedicated to providing a welcoming, non-judgmental community, inspirational support and compassionately informative resources for teens, young adults, and adults with MRKH Syndrome.

Read the full letter

For Parents

At Sumaavi we are deeply dedicated to providing a welcoming, non-judgmental community, inspirational support and compassionately informative resources for teens, young adults, and adults with MRKH Syndrome.

Read the full letter

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